A caridade segundo Ibiapina : história e imaginário na Casa de Santa Fé.




The dissertation Charity according to Ibiapina: history and imagery in Santa Fé, aims to analyze the imagery found in the Santa Fé charity house, created by Father Ibiapina in 1866. This was only one of the several institutions he created, as the missionary worked in the Provinces of Paraíba, Pernambuco, Ceará, Alagoas and Rio Grande do Norte, where besides charity houses, he created hospitals, cemeteries, reservoirs and churches. Neverthless, Santa Fé is of relevance because Ibiapina chose to spend there his last days, which were the ones after his legs were paralyzed, and also because he viewed it as a model to other houses. To a better comprehension of this imagery, we cared to extensively contextualize the daily routine of the institution, and thus documents that regulated it as well as letters that commented the way it worked supported our action. Before that, we analyzed the man that created this institution, just as we did with the way his early biographers described him, as in their accounts they revealed the everyday life of Província of Paraíba as well as the way Father Ibiapina related to the Catholic Church. Finally, we finished this work with a Durandian mythcritics of the letters and documents that regulated Santa Fé in order to identify the founding myths that intersperse the imagery of this institution and of its creator.


santa fé padre ibiapina father ibiapina imagery santa fé imaginário ciências humanas

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