A Análise da Teledensidade como Contribuição ao Entendimento dos Fatores Estratégicos à Sustentabilidade Das Empresas Concessionárias de Telefonia Fixa Brasileiras / The Teledensity Analysis as Contribuition to the Agreement of the Strategic Factors for the Sustentation of the Companies Concessionaries of Fixed Brazilian Telephony.




This dissertation deals with the dynamic environment regarding the Brazilian residential telephone service established since its privatization, in 1997. The territorial division made by players with distinct strategies, all followed by a strict federal law, and the existence of a regulation organ for telecom services (ANATEL) contributed for the continuous expansion suffered by the sector between 1997 and 2003. At the same time, the mobile telephone industry revealed its competitive side, willing to increase its participation in this newborn market share. Considering this context, we search and present the theoretical and practical concepts for companies that offer residential telephone services so they can use them to create marketing strategies in order to defend themselves from the mobile telephone service threat and assure its sustentability as well. By using marketing concepts, wich allows the correct interaction between companies and the market, we add the possibility of using a statistic tool, specifically the linear regression type, that can point out the influence degree on different customers by the current and future demand for residential phone services. This right perception, even before the strategy itself, is fundamental condition for the future decision making regarding this sector of services. By analyzing the telephone market, a line is drawn between the present time, solid but with no further growth perspectives, and the future, that hides threats and opportunities in several segments, obliging companies to constantly study the customers behave, each day more demanding, but still undefined. The segmentation concept, acquired by the analysis of the variables available that presented influence in the volume of residential phones in use, demonstrates the importance of the social classes and customer companies in the agreement and demand of the services offered. From this facts, the work has its closure by concluding that, if there is any group of consumers that demonstrates its force by the numbers of telephone lines in use, there is another one that is more vulnerable to the cancellation of the existing lines.


teledensity strategic factors. teledensidade telefonia fixa administracao fatores estratégicos. fixed telephony

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