Otimização da extração de antocianinas presentes no feijão-preto e impregnação do extrato em matriz polimérica natural para uso como indicador de pH

OPTIMIZATION OF THE EXTRACTION OF ANTHOCYANINS PRESENT IN BLACK BEANS AND IMPREGNATION OF THE EXTRACT IN NATURAL POLYMERIC MATRIX FOR USE AS A pH INDICATOR. In this work, a method of extracting natural indicators, anthocyanins, present in black beans was optimized. The best extraction condition was obtained with 50 g of beans and 93 g of water, under agitation at 150 rpm, at a temperature of 40oC for 24 h. The wavelengths of greatest absorption for the indicator in its acidic and basic form were 523 nm and 620 nm respectively and these wavelengths were used to determine the pKa of the indicato...

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