
Influence of Mn2+ ion in reverse cationic flotation of iron ore

This paper presents the study results of Mn2+ ion influence on reverse cationic flotation of iron ore at pH 10.5. A small influence was observed on all response variables evaluated: mass recovery, Fe metallurgical recovery, grade of Fe and SiO2 in obtained concentrates for dosages of MnCl2 from 600 g/ton. The conditioning of pulp with ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid - EDTA complexing agent (720 g/ton) in presence of MnCl2 (600 g/ton) at natural pH, before the addition and conditioning with corn starch (400 g/ton) and amine (50 g/ton) at pH 10.5, produced a concentrate with 63% Fe, 5.1% SiO2,...

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