
Infestação de Tunga penetrans siphonaptera: Tungidae em cascos de vacas leiteiras F1 Holandês-Zebu

Tunga penetrans rate of infestation in hooves of confined F1 Holstein-Zebu cows during the dry season was recorded. First parturition cows showed an infestation rate of 90.5% in the thorax and 96.9 in the pelvic members, second parturition cows showed an infestation rate of 95.3% in the thorax and 100% in the pelvic members while third parturition cows showed rate of infestation of 100% for both members.

Texto completo
  • Assuntos:

    • vaca leiteira
    • cascos
    • Tunga penetrans
    • freqüência