
Il riconoscimento del progetto migratorio del minore e la valorizzazione della rete parentale nell'accoglienza dei minori stranieri non accompagnati: l'evoluzione della presa in carico nel comune di Cremona (2005 - 2011)

The phenomenon of unaccompanied minors migrants occurred in Cremona, until 2007, only through their reception in residential facilities. This practice had to confront the critical issues (also economic) represented by the massive growth of arrivals, which occurred in Cremona in the years 2006 and 2007, of underage foreign migrants declaring "unaccompanied".The frequent presence of children's parental networks in the neighbouring cities led to the path of migration of unaccompanied minors arriving in Cremona. This was the result of a strategy devised by representatives adults which addressed th...

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