
Florfenicol associado ou não ao cloprostenol no tratamento de retenção de placenta em vacas leiteiras

The aim of this study was to compare the reproductive efficiency in dairy cows with retained placenta (RP), treated with Florfenicol associated or not with Cloprostenol. One hundred and eight cows with RP from dairy herds in southern Minas Gerais state and northern São Paulo state, were included for this purpose. The experiment was designed in factorial 2X2 . The four treatments encompassed two levels of each factor : 1 ) Florfenicol - 4 0mg/kg ( IM) divided in two injections or 40mg / kg ( SC) in one injection after calving; 2) Cloprostenol (0.530mg) - two injections associated with florfeni...

Texto completo
  • Assuntos:

    • eficiência reprodutiva
    • involução uterina
    • infecção uterina
    • período pós-parto