
Effect of Synthetic Emulsifier and Natural Biosurfactant on Feed Process and Quality of Pelletized Feed in Broiler Diet

ABSTRACT A feed production trial was conducted to study the effect of synthetic emulsifier and natural biosurfactant the process and quality of pelletized broiler feed. A corn-soy based broiler diet was formulated with fixed ratio 2:1 of oil-to-water with two types of emulsifiers, namely glyceryl polyethylene glycol ricinoleate synthetic emulsifier and lysophosphatidylcholine natural biosurfactant. T1: Basal diet with no water and no emulsifier; T2: Basal diet with water and no emulsifier; T3: Basal diet with water and synthetic emulsifier glyceryl polyethylene glycol ricinoleate; T4: Basal di...

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