
Characterization of entomogen galls from Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

ABSTRACT In this paper we performed a study of occurrence and characterization of entomogen galls from natural vegetation areas in Mato Grosso do Sul. We surveyed natural areas of four biomes from Mato Grosso do Sul State: Pantanal (Corumbá), Atlantic Forest (Bodoquena), Cerrado (Aquidauana), and Chaco (Porto Murtinho). We identified 186 morphotypes of galls in 115 host plant species from 35 families and 73 genera. The richest families were Fabaceae (N = 34), Sapindaceae (N = 24), Bignoniaceae (N = 17), and Myrtaceae (N = 15). Fifty morphotypes of insects (27%) were found in galls of 38 host ...

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