
A produção escrita de histórias por crianças e sua relação com as habilidades de leitura e escrita de palavras/pseudopalavras

The study describes the production of written stories by second grade children and compares them in subgroups classified by the skill of reading and writing words/pseudowords. The textual production of stories was classified in one of five categories. The results show that 54.6% of the sample reached intermediate categories (III and IV), characterized by the absence of a problem situation or only a sketch of it. There is a significant association between the word level skills and the narrative level of the text. Children who are skilled in reading and writing words/pseudowords are also skilled...

Texto completo
  • Assuntos:

    • linguagem escrita
    • escrita de histórias
    • crianças
    • produção textual
    • avaliação