
A detailed comparison of oxygen uptake kinetics at a range of exercise intensities

Abstract Aim: The aim of this study was to comprehensively examine oxygen uptake (V̇O2) kinetics during cycling through mathematical modeling of the breath-by-breath gas exchange responses across eight conditions of unloaded cycling to moderate to high-intensity exercise. Methods: Following determination of GET and V̇O2peak, eight participants (age: 24±8y; height: 1.78±0.09m; mass: 76.5±10.1kg; V̇O2peak: 3.89±0.72 L.min-1) completed a series of square-wave rest-to-exercise transitions at; -20%∆ (GET minus 20% of the difference in V̇O2 between that at GET and VO2peak), -10%∆, GET,...

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