Portland Clinker
Mostrando 13-20 de 20 artigos, teses e dissertações.
13. Avaliação microscópica da implantação, em subcutâneo de ratos, do agregado trióxido mineral - CPM e do clínquer do cimento Portland branco puro e acrescido de 2 e 5% de sulfato de cálcio e determinação de seus tempos de presa / Microscopic evaluation of the response of subcutaneous tissues of rats to implantation of Portland cement modified CPM and clinker of white Portland cement pure or combined with 2 % and 5 % of calcium sulfate and to determine the setting time of this materials
The Mineral Trioxide Aggregate (MTA) has been showing good physicochemical and biological properties and indicated for use in endodontic apical surgery, perforation repair, and apexification treatment. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the subcutaneous connective tissue reactions of CPM and clinker of Portland cement, either pure or combined with cal
Publicado em: 2007
14. Incorporação de enxofre no silicato dicálcico do clínquer de cimento Portland: influência na estabilidade de polimorfos e na reatividade hidráulica / Sulfur incorporation on dicalcium silicate of Portland cement clinker: influence on polymorphic stability and hydraulic reactivity
The present study regards the incorporation of sulfur in dicalcium silicate (Ca2SiO4), a crystalline phase that represents 20 to 40 wt. % of the common Portland cement clinker. In the cement industry this compound is known as C2S (2CaO.SiO2) or belite. It has five polymorphs, and the monoclinic high temperature ?-C2S has the highest reactivity with water. Th
Publicado em: 2007
15. Avaliação microscópica da resposta do tecido subcutâneo de ratos à implantação do Endo-CPM-Sealer e do Clínquer do cimento Portland cinza puro e acrescido com sulfato de cálcio a 2% e 5% / Microscopic evaluation of the response of subcutaneous tissue of rats to implantation of Endo-CPM-Sealer and clinker of grey Portland cement, pure or combined with 2% and 5% calcium sulfate
Ao longo dos últimos anos, têm sido expressivo o interesse pelo estudo do Agregado de Trióxido Mineral (MTA) devido às boas propriedades físico-químicas e biológicas que apresenta. Da mesma forma houve um grande interesse no cimento Portland, já que, segundo os trabalhos científicos encontrados na literatura, apresentam composição e desempenho sem
Publicado em: 2007
16. Efeitos de adições de Cr2O3, NiO e ZnO sobre a formação do clínquer Portland e de adições de Al2O3 e Fe2O3 sobre a decomposição de seu composto majoritário
The co-processing of residues in cement kilns is in current days ones of the main solutions adopted for the final disposal of industrial residues. Part of this work has for objective to determine the effect of additions of Cr2O3, NiO and ZnO on the formation of main composites of the Portland cement clinker, aiming at to the co-processing of industrial resid
Publicado em: 2005
17. Influência do C3A em pastas de cimento portland : avaliação das propriedade reológicas / Influence of C3A on portland cement pastes : valuation of the rheologic properties
The production of high performance concrete with special rheologic properties, fluidity and durability, demands the knowledge of physical and chemical characteristics of the used cement. The herein research studies the C3A influence on cement pastes, in order to add knowledge to all the aspects that can contribute to its rheologic behavior and, consequently,
Publicado em: 2004
18. Os compostos do clínquer Portland: sua caracterização por difração de raios-X e quantificação por refinamento de Rietveld. / Portland clinker phases: their characterization by X-ray diffraction and quantification by Rietveld refinement.
The project has focused on the application of X-ray diffraction (XRD) on the characterization and quantification of the Portland cement clinker crystalline compounds using the Rietveld method. The present research represents a pioneer scientific contribution on the theme in Brazil. Overall forty clinker samples from five distinct kiln lines were collected fo
Publicado em: 2003
19. Co-processed Clinker: Integrated Technology Product for the Cement Industry Sustainability and Competitiveness / Clínquer Coprocessado: Produto de Tecnologia Integrada para Sustentabilidade e Competitividade da Indústria de Cimento
In August 2001, in Brazil, there were seven cement plants with and an increasing number of others on the way to get the permit to co-processing, i.e. burning industrial wastes in their kilns as substitutes for fossil fuels. For over five years now the Companhia de Cimento Ribeirão Grande has counted on partial substitution of a blend of different waste stre
Publicado em: 2001
20. Analise energetica de plantas de produção de cimento Portland
This work presents an energetic analysis of the production processes of Portland Cement, based in the evaluation of the efficiency through the second law of thermodynamics and the concepts of rational efficiency and thermoeconomy. The characteristics of the raw materiaIs, the reactions of their compounds in the clinker manufacturing, and the fuels used are d
Publicado em: 1994