Zumbido e audição normal: estudo do reflexo acústico e da supressão das emissões otoacústicas




Introduction: The functioning of the auditory pathway of patients with tinnitus complaints and normal hearing can be directly related to a mal-functional in the auditory efferent pathway, regarding the level of the olivocochlear superior system, in which, the acoustic reflex threshold data and the otoacustic emissions with contralateral noise may represent an alternative to its evaluation. Aim: Investigate the otoacustic emissions suppressions and the contralateral acoustic reflex threshold in adults, with normal hearing and tinnitus complaints. Method: 40 women with ages between 18 and 59 were evaluated. Being 20 women with tinnitus complaints and 20 without tinnitus complaints. An investigation of the contralateral acoustic reflex threshold (AR) in a band of 500, 1000 and 2000 Hz, and one of the suppression of the transitory otoacoustic emissions (TEOAE) with white noise at 50 dBNPS contralaterally was performed. Results: The absence and the presence/increased of the acoustic reflex were present only in the subjects with tinnitus. The average of the presence/normal was higher in all frequencies in both ears and in the group with tinnitus (96.65 dB), compared to the group without tinnitus (90.92 dB). Considering the summing up of the frequencies and the frequency of 2000 Hz in the left ear, there was no difference between the group with and without tinnitus regarding the TEOAE suppression, except in the frequency of 1000 Hz in the left ear in the group with tinnitus. There was no association between the acoustic reflex test and the TEOAE suppression. Conclusion: the evaluation of the efferent system may contribute to the tinnitus topographic diagnosis. However, there is the necessity of more studies, in order to establish the appropriate method and standard values for the tests performance


reflexo acústico fonoaudiologia acoustic reflex tinnitus otoacoustic emission zumbido emissoes otoacusticas audicao

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