You press the button, we do the rest : reflexão sobre dois eventos imagéticos: a câmara fotográfica e o computador iconográfico


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This research aims to present and compare the accessibility of two devices, the simplifying of photographic system and computer. The simplification of the photographic process will be presented from the invention of the photographic system of George Eastman, founder of Kodak, that provided a photographic system in which the user only bother to take the picture without worrying about the complexity of the system. It will also be shown to simplify the use of computers through iconographic interface, that replaces complex commands by pressing a mouse button, which will be presented from the launch of the Lisa computer Steve Jobs. These two systems have reduced its complexity to a single click, enabling people who were not professionals in the field could have access to these devices without having to invest much time in research and training


comunicacao digital culture iconographic computer comunicação imagética cultura digital computador iconográfico accessibility communication imagery fotografia acessibilidade photography

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