Women and trajectories in the College of Medical Sciences of the UNICAMP : singular voices and collective images / Mulheres e trajetorias na Faculdade de Ciencias Medicas da UNICAMP : vozes singulares e imagens coletivas




The proposal of this research is to carry through a historical and social rescue of the trajectories of the searching women of the State University of Campinas, leaving of its works while scientists and teachers inside of the College of Medical Sciences. Using the theoretical reference of the gender studies, inside of the sociology of science and more especially in the domain of the health, we will search to understand the trajectories of these women, the personal and professional choices, articulated with its social strategies. For in such a way, we assume that the gender can be express in many areas of the social life, for example, the culture, the ideology, science and the practical ones in general. However, specifically I am interested in as these women had obtained to articulate practical of research, concomitant the its activities of education, administration and university extension, with its daily and familiar lives. This research is composed by three moments. In a first one, the survey of the documentation of the researchers (Lattes Platform) searching its trajectories in the academy and its strategies inside of the scientific field. As, the accomplishment of an focused interview , elaborated on the basis of the formulated estimated information and through the analysis of the documents, that will allow to configure the process of social construction of the academic trajectories. Finally, at one third moment, on the basis of the theory of Pierre Bourdieu, we will search to sketch the habitus of these researchers. This study is being carried through inside of a sociological perspective, and the gender studies will compose the base of our analyses. The historical studies are the great importance and value when we look for to understand this subject; therefore the agreement of the historical context is necessary to be able to embroider the relation between the speeches and the theories. With this work, we hope to contribute for the agreement of the paper and of the position of these women in the academic field, as its had been satisfied habitus and which are the relations of these habitus with the question of the gender, especially for the fact of these activities are enrolled in a quadruple dimension: education, research, administration and extension.


educação medica women work competencia profesional professional competence genero medical education docentes habitus schools instituições academicas mulheres - trabalho gender

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