White womam to marry, mulatta to make love and black woman to work : affective choices and meanings of solitude among black women in Salvador, Bahia / Branca para casar, mulata para f..., negra para trabalhar : escolhas afetivas e significados de solidão entre mulheres negras em Salvador, Bahia




This thesis intends to argue the related aspects with the affective choices and meanings of solitude among black women in Salvador, Bahia, in view of, particularly, the criteria of race and gender. For in such a way, I selected as empirical clipping, two sets of black women without fixed partners: the first one, consists of politic activists, integrants of the black women movement and or of the black movement, and the second, of women not-activists. Twenty five women of some social segments had been selected, such as: domestic workers, teachers, intellectuals, selfemployer workers. The choice of this object of study is based on some demographic studies of years 80 and on interviews that had pointed color/race as a preceding element in the affectivesexual preference of partners. As result of these choices, it would have an "excess" of "solitaries" black women, that is: i) without fixed affective partners; ii) without steady affective-sexual relations, in relation to women pertaining to other racial groups. In order to analyze how this premise processes in specific social contexts, I opted to making a qualitative research based in comment, interviews in depth, analysis of trajectories and narratives. Other complementary sources had been used: magazines, reports, filmic resources, bibliographical references, and demographic, historical and literary data. The placed questions are the following ones: how race, gender and other social markers operate in the affective choices of the investigated black women? How they perceive the experiences of the solitude?


black women negras solidão affectivity raças solitude race gender afetividade genero

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