What next? I need to talk about it with someone! Sexuality, HIV / AIDS and violence in interpersonal experiences of HIV positive women. / O Que vem depois? Preciso falar disso com alguém! Sexualidade, HIV/ Aids e violência interpessoal na vivencia de mulheres soropositivas.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This study searched to understand the vulnerability dimensions to the interpersonal violence against HIV/Aids women living, taken care of in reference services for HIV/Aids people of the Bahia. The inquiry was guided by the qualitative boarding, which if disclosed basic for understand the study object, centered in the interpretative hermeneutic paradigm. The data had been collected by the technique of observation, that resulted in a field diary, the documentary analysis and the half-structuralized interviews were electronically recorded and transcribing them in complete. Had been interviewed 32 soropositive women that were taken care of in two reference services of Salvador e Santo Antonio de Jesus cities. The collection of data was carried through in the period of december/2008 tol september/2009. The data had been organized and treated with the aid to the technique of Content Analysis and interpreted with the use of references that approached the thematic. From the content analysis of the interviews three dimensions had emerged: (Des) covering the sorologic condition; Womens Sexual practice and reproductive before and after be soropositive and; Violence vulnerability in the social relations dynamics by women s lived deeply. The results had disclosed that the life history of the soropositives women is divided, for an imaginary line, at a moment before and another one after the diagnosis. The socio-demographic characteristics and inequalities relations of gender that the women kept of them affective-sexual partners had been identified as conditions that had intervened in their vulnerability to the infection. The violence had been part of the womens daily and could have been considered cause and a consequence for the HIV/Aids infection for the, however, nor the suffered violence had been perceived by the women, who were involved in relationary affective-sexual context. After the diagnosis, beyond physical, psychological, sexual and verbal violence, the women had also lived deeply fears, blame, stigma, auto-aggressions and ruptures. The infection intervened in the womans way and how they dealt with the sexuality, therefore after the infection some had presented sexual desire reduced and had refused to make sex, such behaviors had contributed for the occurrence of violence between the affective-sexual partners. In this context, the women empowerment is basic to they interrupt the violence cycles and construct another social panorama, in which, the violence and the inequalities yields the place to the peace and the full citizenship. Moreover, for the improvement of the women soropositive health assistance is preponderant to listen them, so that in accordance with them real necessities, changes can be implemented in the reorganization of the health practice.


interpersonal violence sexuality woman mulher vulnerabilidade hiv/aids sexualidade violência interpessoal vulnerability hiv/aids saude publica

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