Vivencias de homens e mulheres apos o fracasso da fertilização in vitro




Objective: to evaluate changes in life of the men and women who had unsuccessfully undergone In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) in the Human Reproductive Unit of UNICAMP, between 1995 and 2000, and had at least four years after failure. Study design: A descriptive study was carried out in which couples who had undergone one or more IVF cycles without obtaining success. Of the 174 identified couples it was possible to interview 92. Telephonic interviews were carried out in order to make an update regarding the continuity or not of other treatments, socio-demographic data during the last IVF cycle and at the moment of the interview, success or failures in these attempts, spontaneous pregnancy, and if adoption was considered a possibility or the adoption of a child. The interview data was double typed using the EPI-INFO (2002) program and the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 6.0 program (SPSS for Windows, 1993) was used. A multivariate correspondence analysis was used to identify the inter-relations between the variables. Results: Two groups were identified: couples that continued treatment after failure in our clinic and those who did not. Among the women of the first group a strong association with problems in Pouple s relationship and with having adopted was observed, however, these findings were not observed for the men. In the group that did not continue, men and women presented a strong association with economic factor, lack of support, recognized the impossibility of having a child, and the partner giving up. In the women of this group, a positive association with thinking in adoption was found and psychological problems and lost of hope were less important. For the men a stronger association with psychological problems and less relevant one with having adopted was observed. Professional activity of men and women during the last IVF treatment, when compared to the moment of the interview remained the same. Conclusion: men and women who had not undergone further treatment were more affected than those who had undergone further treatment after IVF failure more than four years.


reprodução humana infecundidade

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