Visualização e simulação de sinais cardiológicos utilizando técnicas de realidade aumentada




Nowadays, the presence of computers is noted, even subtle, in almost every area of human knowledge and activity. The advantages emerged by computers are many, but there are still drawbacks that need efficient solutions. The tech devices and audiovisual ways of communication between the user and computers are still a great challenge, because to use successfully these devices, is needed to the user to learn the new unnatural ways of interaction, like clicking and typing. There are some more natural approaches of interfaces, and One of them is known as Augmented Reality. Augmented Reality has as goal to provide people, with more intuitive ways of interaction and visualization, close to those that happen in real world. So, its possible to interact with an object using the hands as main way of interaction, inspect it and view it in its natural shape. The interaction elements are brought to the real world, instead of classic interaction with computers, where the user has to get inside the computers world and adapt himself to it. The applications for Augmented Reality are countless, and results can be already seen in several areas like Education, Training, Entertainment and Medicine. The focus of this work is on the integration between Augmented Reality and Health Science. Traditionally, the patients have limited or none knowledge about Medicine, which by the way stops him to interpret information like x-ray and electrocardiograms. So, very often even after clarifying with the specific professionals, remain doubts about organ function, disease particularities and even interpretation of tests. The system proposed in this dissertation, has as goal to provide a friendly and intuitive interface in Augmented Reality for heart beat viewing. The data needed to visualization are received from very heterogenic fonts, which goes from simple fixed values up to real time capture and viewing from heart beat sensors. Trough markers and a viewing device, the users are allowed to view in its own chest the virtual animated heart and its beating in real time, answering to his own heart beating. The developed system should be used as bases to studies on health schools, as well to view by patients, providing a way of help learn and interpret of medical data.


visualização engenharia eletrica cardiology viewing image processing cardiologia processamento de imagens augmented reality simulation signal processing realidade aumentada simulação processamento de sinais aplicações em tempo real computação gráfica biofeedback artoolkit real-time applications

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