Vislumbrando a rede complexa de relações e interações do agente comunitário de saúde




The Brazilian Community Health Care Agent (Agente Comunitário de Saúde - ACS), a health care professional linked to the #Family Health Strategy# Federal Program (Estratégia Saúde da Família - ESF), is integrated to the multi-professional team in Basic Health Care with the intent of promoting health in the communities in which they reside, performing a relevant role of intermediary between Brazilian public health services and the local population. The objective of this study is to better comprehend the significance of the network of relationships and interactions of these Community Health Care Agents and a Local Health Care Clinic (Unidade Local de Saúde - ULS) in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, Brazil, developing theoretical assumptions based upon these relationship processes. The methodological reference adopted was the Grounded Theory, as well as Edgar Morin#s work on complex thought. The Community Health Care Agents, nurses, physicians, and a dentist from the multi-professional team, and users attended in one of the local public clinics in the Greater Florianópolis area composed the sample. The selection of these subjects for this investigation, data collection, and data analysis followed the assumptions of the Grounded Theory. A total of twenty participants constituted three sample groups. In-depth interviews and memorandums composed the empirical material of this study. The investigative process was developed via the collection and simultaneous and comparative data analysis and orientation by the open, axial, and selective codification, sampling and theoretical saturation. From this process, the phenomenon Illuminating the relationships and interactions of the Community Health Care Agent in improving care for users in a complex network, constituted as of the inter-relationships of six categories: Recognizing the Community and the ULS as Spaces for Relationships and Interactions, Conceiving the Quality of Team and Community Relationships, Valuing their Work as ACSs, Perceiving the Nurse as a Relationship and Interaction Mediator, Being the Link between the Community and the Team, and Favoring Care through a Network of Relationships and Interactions. The Community Health Care Agent is positioned in the center of his/her network of relationships, integrating themselves and is subject to its perturbances/modifications and new conformations. His/her network of relationships is a unit that composes the #health care# system, serving as the care process facilitator between health care and the community. The Nurse is indicated as the professional who directly interferes in the ACS relationship with the team, since he/she also mediates communication. With an interdisciplinary posture, the Nurse is disposed to integrate people and articulate knowledge. For team leadership, the Nurse is indicated as a promoter of integration among members, strengthening their importance not only in the care dimension, but also in management.


relações humanas enfermagem enfermagem saude comunitaria - - auxiliares

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