Virtual learning environment contributions for the development of the production engineer competencies using the PBL / Contribuições do ambiente virtual de aprendizagem para o desenvolvimento de competências do engenheiro de produção utilizando o PBL




The traditional teaching method in the production engineer formation is inadequate to promote the development of their necessary competencies. The information society environment requires team working, quickly problems solving in a collaborative network, and keeping up with the technology innovation in the industrial plants and in the organizations management. This dissertation proposes an improvement of the professional competencies development in the production engineering teaching with the aid of a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) - MOODLE and the PBL methodology (Problem Based Learning). The library searching methodology will be used when applying PBL into various courses. A prototype will also be applied with both tools in the Information System subject matter included in the production engineering graduation course. The purpose is to validate the proposal following the dissertation presentation.


teams ava equipes vle aprendizagem colaborativa collaborative learning pbl competências competencies pbl

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