Violência urbana e governança comunitária :um estudo dos conselhos comunitários de segurança e do policiamento comunitário na cidade de Curitiba-PR




The real Brazilian State situation shows that the democratic management style consolidation became an unchangeable process. However, based on the past situation that aimed the Political State Democratization, nowadays people have identified that it is necessary to render ways of increasing social participation in decisive process. This action can amplify the political approach and citizenship. Concurrently, Brazilian society development has been determined by an evident violence progress in recent years. This condition has forced the Public Administrator to invest more in Public Security towards the models consolidation of violence combat, through a preventive way and intensive actions to face real causes. Based on this challenge, governance has been identified as one of the major potential strategic in several cities public security because it defends that the interrelation between public and private members is indispensable to promote urban sustainable development. To focus the positive effects about public politics with social participation, an empirical investigation was done with three Security Community Councils from Curitiba city. The empirical investigation objective is to answer some fundamental questions about Security Community Councils actions and if these Councils have public bases. More specifically, the research was done with seventy-nine professionals related to Security Community Councils actions. The results showed how the link, information changes and collaboration happen. Finally, based in fourteen semi-structured and qualitative interviews with Security Community Councils professionals, this dissertation critically discusses perspectives on the advances and difficulties about governance consolidation in Public Security in Curitiba City.


planejamento urbano - dissertações internal security urban violence segurança pública violência urbana drenagem urbana de aguas pluviais city planning

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