Violência moral no interior da escola: um estudo exploratório das representações do fenômeno sob a perspectiva de gênero. / Practices of moral violence inside school: an exploratory study of the representations of the phenomenon from the perspective of gender.




The present work investigates the representations which female and male students have about moral violence, inside the school environment. We understand as moral violence the psychological pressures present within the interpersonal relationships among the students, which include humiliations, cursing, threats, exclusion, systematic persecutions within an unbalanced situation of power, even if circumstantial. There is a point of intersection of the concept of moral violence, which we work with, with the concepts of incivilities, microviolences and bullying, also dealt with within this work. In the study of these representations, we have tried to understand the universe of the relationships within the school and, particularly, of the relationships between girls and boys in their interface with the moral violence phenomenon. This work has used as its parameter of theoretical and methodological analysis the Theory of the Organizing Models of Thinking and it was developed into two different and complementary ambits: analysis of the theoretical references and field research. Our sample consisted of ninety-six teenagers, forty-eight girls and forty-eight boys, from the 7th grade of the Elementary School and from the 2nd grade of Secondary School, students from a state school as well as from a private school, both schools situated in the southern region of São Paulo city. We have used as instrument of data collection the resolution of conflicts in an ordinary daily school scene, involving moral violence. With the objective of investigating the possible differences between girlsand boysrepresentations, the instrument had two different versions to be presented to the students of each of the sexes. The application of the questions, based on the understanding of the scene, was accomplished in a single meeting with each of the groups of subjects. We have found significant differences between female and male representations in relation to the phenomenon of moral violence, especially those concerned with the perception of the action expected from the opposing sex in such situations. This result impels us towards a careful consideration for the way in which we have been orientating our female and male students in dealing with conflicting situations. Furthermore, it invites us to reconsider deep-rooted sexist behavior, which reinforces the stereotypes of gender - which are socially and historically built - in our educational practices within the school.


bullying gender violência moral bullying conflict resolution resolução de conflitos moral violence gênero

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