Vidas transplantadas : museu, educação e a cultura material na (re) construção do passado




The current research has as main purpose to study the memory preservation in the immigration context in Southern Brazil under the view of material culture. This study was formed through several movements, where I retract the concern with speeches produced and made available to the public in Museums, mainly what is produced and consumed by learning prolesses. When locating historically my comprehension trajectory, I searched for support in qualitative research, in oral history and in image and artifact analysis thus having built the work body. In the first part, Education and Museum: The Epistomologic and ideologic function of memory in the Ethnicity discourse, I did a reflexion about memory, education, ethnicity establishing intrisical relations to the Museum object. From this path, the first fundamentation appeared for this study question building: In which measure the museums are witnesses of the people cultural identity and instruments of an intercultural dialogue that makes easy the society and world comprehension from the heritage promotion and preservation? In the second part, Transplanted Lives: Colonization Myth and Ideology, I started to ask the construction of an imaginary for Joinville, from the Settler Myth. For this process understanding, I led the country immigration analysis and its interface with the regional occupation. In the last part, Crystalized Memory, the idealized and accomodated-Museum: contexts, images and interpretations, getting this context meanings and, the creation of a settlement imaginary and immigration well suceeded, whose images are articulated and rearticulated in different moments and distinct social classes. Then this imaginary cristalization found in Joinville, a perfect scenario for these memory and image legitimacy: The Immigration and Colonization National Museum, the point for our proposals. The research showed me ambiguities built along 150 years of European immigration to the region. The possibility of building from the analysis of source not explored before, brought new theorical contributions and, moreover, the great contribution for the cultural education improvement. Thus the material culture of a society constitutes itself residues of the past and it is the source of relevent information, able to offer new and other types of constructions and analyses of the several elements that integrate it.


museus educação cultura patrimonio

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