VEYE: Um sistema de auxílio à navegação para deficientes visuais / VEYE: Um sistema de auxílio à navegação para deficientes visuais




The World Health Organization estimates there are 40 million blind people in the world. For many of them, using canes or guide-dogs may be enough to reach known destinations. However, when new destinations and unknown paths (that can change dynamically) are considered, the limitations of such instruments become evident. With the proliferation of researches on context aware technologies, several navigation aid systems have been developed. However, most of these systems provide sound feedback to their users, thus cannot be used in noise intense environments or in situations in which their hearing is focused in another event. In this context, haptic devices emerge as an alternative to the use of sound, given that they interact with users through the sense of touch. This work presents the state-of-the-art in assistive technologies for visually impaired people. It also demonstrates the development of a haptic device integrated to a wearable computer, to be used by visually impaired people.


computadores vestíveis sistemas de auxílio à navegação navigation-aid systems sistemas embarcados wearable computers ciencia da computacao embedded systems

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