Variations on Epley manuever in benign paroxysmal positional vertigo treatment of posterior canal for canalithiasis in elderly / Variantes da manobra de epley no tratamento da vertigem postural paroxística benigna de canal posterior em idosos




Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) is the most common peripheral vestibulopathy in adults, especially in aged people and presents the utricle degeneration as the most common etiology in this population. It is characterized by rotating dizziness and positional nystagmus to the cephalic movements or by determined body movements and, as a result, can cause falls and quality of life restrictions, making them physically and emotionally limited. The present study had as objective to compare the efficacy of variations on Epley maneuver, in order to provide the patient increasingly, fast, effective and comfortable treatment. Fifty three volunteers took part of the study with otorrinolaringologic diagnostic hypothesis of BPPV of posterior semicircular canal for cupulolithiasis or canalithiasis, at ages between 60 and 91 years old, average 67,19 years old. Concerning the genre, 38 (71,7%) were women. The patients were distributed randomly in three groups according to the pre-determined treatment, in other words, in group A, 23 patients were submitted to the Epley maneuver associated to the use of cervical collar and post-maneuver instructions, meanwhile, in group B, 15 patients were submitted to the Epley maneuver with no cervical collar and/or post-maneuver restrictions. At last, in group C, 15 patients were submitted to the Epley maneuver associated to the use of a mini-vibrator, applied on the mastoid during the maneuver, with no cervical collar and/or post-maneuver restrictions. In BPPV treatment by vestibular rehabilitation the number of maneuvers varied from one to three, and this number was not different among the studied groups. The questionnaire (Dizziness Handicap Inventory - DHI) was applied previously and afterwards VR to quantify the aspects of dizziness: physical, emotional, functional and general. Concerning these aspects, it was observed a significant statistical difference (p<0,001) among the scores previously and afterwards Vestibular Rehabilitation to the analysed groups (A, B, C). It was concluded that the scores of the analysed aspects in DHI were improved after speech pathological intervention by VR in patients with posterior semicircular canal BPPV, that caused impact in the life quality of the studied volunteers regardless the Epley maneuver variation chosen to this treatment. It is also concluded that the real valid treatment for BPPV was the Epley maneuver, with no restrictions.


rehabilitation elderly reabilitação idoso tontura dizziness

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