Variance components and breeding value for test day and lactation milk yields in holstein cattle with different statistical models. / Componentes de variância e valores genéticos para as produções de leite do dia do controle e da lactação na raça holandesa com diferentes modelos estatísticos.




Covariance components and genetic parameters for milk yield from 263,390 test-day records of 32,448 first lactation Holstein cows were estimated using animal models by REML. Test-day repeatability (RM) and random regression (RR) models were compared to a 305-d lactation model (P305) to estimate breeding values. Random regression involved the five-parameter logarithmic Ali and Schaeffer function (AS) and the three-parameter exponential Wilmink function in standard (W) and modified (W*, to reduce the range of covariates and avoid convergence problems) form to model the shape of the lactation curve. Heterogeneous error variance (EV) for classes of days in milk (cDIM) was considered in adjusting the AS function. Heritability for milk yield by P305 (0.27) was smaller than those estimated for daily milk yield by RM including or not including a logarithmic sub-model (0.30 and 0.43, respectively). Heritability estimates for univariate (0.22-0.36) and bivariate models (0.23-0.33) for test-day milk yields were smallest during early and late lactation. Genetic correlations were higher for daily milk yield between consecutive test-days than between test-days at the beginning and end of lactation. Heritability estimates for AS (0.29-0.42) and W* (0.33-0.40) RR models were similar, but heritability estimates obtained for W (0.25-0.65) were higher than those estimated by other functions, particularly at the end of lactation. Genetic correlations between daily milk yield on consecutive test-days were close to unity, but they decreased with an increase of the interval between test-days. Estimates of EV for cDIM were quite similar, rating from 4.15 to 5.11 for the AS function. Standard deviations (SD) of bulls’s EBVs for milk yield were similar for AS, W* models and RM. However, SD of EBVs for bulls and cows were larger for test-day models than for P305 and for bulls they differed by -33.64 to 321.95 from the P305 depending on progeny number. SD of EBVs for bulls and cows for the W model were the largest ones. Correlation between EBVs among P305 and the other models for bulls increased as progeny number increased and ranged from 0.66 (W-P305) to 0.92 (AS-P305, W*-P305). Genetic trends were larger for RR models and smaller for RM than for P305. Larger heritability estimates for test-day models and large genetic correlations between test-day and lactation milk yields (0.86-0.99) indicated a potential use of test-day records in genetic evaluations. Heterogeneous genetic correlations (0.64-1.00) for test-day milk yields across lactation did not support the assumption that test-day records are repeated measures of the same trait. The AS homogeneous EV model was the most parsimonious and the best fit among those evaluated, but the W* model resulted in more stable heritability estimates for daily milk yield across lactation. RR models provide more information than the RM and describe the shape of the lactation curve from which EBVs for persistency can be derived. These results indicated AS as an alternative model for genetic evaluation for milk yield using test-day records of Holstein cattle in Brazil.


genetic parameters test day model milk yield breeding values. parâmetro genético leite análise de variância lactação variance components vaca holandesa.

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