Validade social: implicações da proposição de um conceito para a análise do comportamento / Social validity: implications of this concept to behavior analysis




Review of literature pertaining to an applied area of Behavior Analysis and the interest in evaluating the ethical and social implications of works resulting of such a review led into contact with the concept of Social Validity. Controversies found in theoretical and conceptual works on social validity and the relevance attributed to the issue carried the present study away from its original objective. Thus, the questions that guided this study were: What conceptions of social validity can be gathered from the literature regarding this subject? What social validity procedures are available and what are its methodological features? How does the concept of social validity relate to Radical Behaviorism and Behavior Analysis? Literature regarding social validity was selected through search on PsyINFO database The retrieved records were registered in a database and organized into categories according to their relation to "social validity". Descriptors were taken from the abstracts in order to guide the selection of texts for further analysis.. The criteria for the selection of texts were: a) texts that described the historical context in which the concept was formulated and b) those that best approached the questions of interest in this study, according to the two categories considered the most relevant to the questions. Baer, Wolf, and Risley (1968) differentiated basic research from applied research and defined behavior analysis domain as approaching questions of social relevance. Winnett and Winkler (1972) as well as Holland (1983/1978) criticized the behavior analysts praxis, questioning the values behind the goals established in the interventions and suggesting that behavior analysts should be responsible for changing the social environment. In this context, Wolf (1978/1976) proposed the concept of social validity, that aims to ask the society whether or not interventions are meaningful. Procedures of social validity were, then, reviewed and organized (e. g. Kazdin, 1977) and their methodological extensions (e.g. Van Houten, 1979) began to be pictured from the literature. Facing the current stage of theoretical and conceptual production on social validity, it is possible to consider the adhesion to social validity by behavior analysts in research and applied areas as inevitable for the thoughts over the issues approached in the concept and application of procedures show values that support the interventions. Methodological issues should be faced as a startingpoint to the development of better systems for evaluating the social relevance of interventions instead of being ignored or put aside for the lack of proper methodology of investigation


validade social applied behavior analysis procedimentos de validação social social validity análise do comportamento aplicada social validity procedures avaliacao do comportamento psicologia experimental

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