Utilização de Pochonia chlamydosporia e farinha de sementes de mamão para o controle de Meloidogyne javanica / Use of Pochonia chlamydosporia and papaw seeds flour for the control of Meloidogyne javanica




Besides increasing production fees, the indiscriminate used of nematicidal chemicals may threaten farmers and consumers health, as well as contaminate the environment. Consequently, alternative methods for management of nematodes are preferred, such as the use of nematophagous fungi allied to organic matter incorporation to the soil. The objectives of this work were: 1- to evaluate the minimum effective dose of papaw seed s flour (FSM) with and without biofumigation, for the control of M. javanica; 2- to evaluate the effect of Pochonia chlamydosporia, applied in the form of chlamydospore or colonized coconut fiber, together with different doses of FMS against M. javanica and 3- to evaluate the effect of fungi and bacteria, isolated from soils treated with FSM, over M. javanica. The collective and accumulative effect of the toxic gasses released during the FSM decomposition, together with the high temperatures, conferred a considerable reduction in the quantity of FSM to be incorporated to the soil, especially if the soil was immediately covered after incorporation. Evaluating the applying of P. chlamydosporia fungi, it was determined that colonized coconut fiber was not efficient as a method for the introduction of this microorganism. Soil application of P. chlamydosporia must be done on infested soil and a period of more than seven days has to be held before planting, in order to allow fungi establishment and its activity over the initial nematode inoculum, with a consequent reduction in penetration, number of root knots and number of eggs at end of the nematode s life cycle. No antagonistic activity against nematodes was observed in bacteria isolated from soils where FSM was incorporated. Only one isolate of the fungi Trichoderma sp. resulted in nematode control, and only when introduced in the soil together with the host planting, 15 days before nematode eggs introduction. This period of exposition was not proportioned in the experiment from where the fungi was isolated, thus it was impossible to determine the role of such isolate in the control of the nematode.


mamão fungos nematófagos meloidogyne javanica pochonia chlamydosporia fitopatologia pochonia chlamydosporia meloidogyne javanica nematophagous fungi papaw

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