Uso de ATR/FTIR e FTNIR associado a técnicas quimiométricas para quantificação de aditivos em gasolina automotiva




Formation of deposits is a very common problem in vehicles due to the formation of gum and sludge by burning fuel inside the engine. Additives detergent / dispersants are designed to reduce the influence of these agents in the proper functioning of automotive vehicles. These components are polymeric amine matrix added in the fuel distributor at the concentration indicated and are marketed separately from gasoline by the addition of dye. In this work, we propose a methodology applying vibrational spectroscopy (FTIR and FTNIR) combined with chemometric techniques and preconcentration of fuels (unwashed gum and atmospheric distillation) to quantify three additives in gasoline. Curves were built using multivariate calibration (PLS1). The results were analyzed by using F test, detection capability and relative prediction error (REP). The results show that concentrations below than 200 mg/kg can be monitored in gasoline. In general, the results show that the FTIR data are more consistent than those of FTNIR. Also, results show that using unwashed gum for preconcentration yields better performance than atmospheric distillation residue.


aditivos gasolina quimiometria quimica ftnir atr/ftir

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