Use of two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy and construction and evaluation of a near-infrared spectropolarimeter / Uso da espectroscopia de correlação bidimensional (2D) e construção e avaliação de um espectropolarímetro para a região do infravermelho próximo (NIR)




The two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy was used in this work as a tool for spectral variable selection in the near-infrared (NIR) region aiming the determination of the following quality parameters of gasoline: ethanol content, MON (Motor Octane Number) and RON (Research Octane Number). To achieve this objective, it was developed a flow system to automated the perturbation by concentration. This system presents some advantages in relation to batch systems employed to the same purpose: the experiments are accomplished in a closed system; a greater velocity in the application perturbation can be obtained and the experiments are made in micro-scale. In another part, this work presents the construction of a spectropolarimeter based on the acousto-optic tunable filter (AOTF), which works on the near-infrared region (800 ? 1600 nm). The measure of optical rotation on the instrument is made using the ratio between two diffracted beams by the AOTF (optical rotation spectrum), which is proportional to the rotation angle of the polarized light imposed by the sample. The instrument was applied in the investigation of NIR optical rotation spectra of sucrose, glucose, fructose and camphor. These spectra are proportional to the concentration of species studied and analytical curves with good correlation coefficients were obtained


rotação otica espectroscopia de correlação bidimensional concentration perturbation in flow optical rotation perturbação de concentração de fluxo near-infrared infravermelho próximo two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy

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