USE OF RESIDUES PROCEEDING FROM MARBLES AND GRANITES FINISHING AND MANUFACTURING PROCESSES AS RAW MATERIAL FOR STRUCTURAL CERAMIC. / "Utilização do resíduo proveniente do acabamento e manufatura de mármores e granitos como matéria-prima em cerâmica vermelha"




In order to decrease environmental impact, caused by mud discarding and clay extraction in the ceramic industry, it was used residual mud from marble and granite companies for structural ceramic. Samples were collected in twelve different marble companies located at the metropolitan region of São Paulo. However, only four samples were selected, based on its different characteristics. Claystone was the raw material chosen to prepare the structural ceramic, considering its high use in this segment. Samples and claystone were both analysed by the following procedures: granulometric analysis, x-rays fluorescent chemical analysis and x-rays diffraction mineralogical analysis, besides, tests in the samples were conducted following NBR 10004 standards. Once raw materials were characterized, the plasticity test was conducted. Test specimen were molded with different levels of mud, then burned and submitted to technological tests, such as: mechanical resistance, water absorption, porosity, specific gravity and retraction, material dilation before burning process and scanning electron microscopy. The final results have shown the viability of using this kind of mud, and pointed some advantages on its usage, but taking in consideration some previous conditions to be adopted.


residue marble ceramic cerâmica granite granito resíduo mármore

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