Urban land use mapping in São Bernardo do Campo City, using satellite images. / Mapeamento do uso do solo urbano do município de São Bernardo do Campo, através de imagens de satélites.




The urban growth in the development centers of the Brazil, generally occurs without an integrated planning and without aiming at the future population growth. Areas that would have been protected as water sources areas or at risk (mount hillside or subject to flooding areas) have been ocuppied in a irregular way, placing in risk the population and the environment. The monitoring and fiscalization of these occupations are carried in delayed and inefficient way, because of the lack of equipment and people enabled to accomplishment this work. Aiming at to understand and to incorporate the new existing technologies, the City Hall of the São Bernardo do Campo with partnership with the Geoprocessing Laboratory of the Transportation Department of the Polytechnical School of the University of São Paulo had developed a methodology of urban land use mapping through the use of remote sensing and digital image processing techniques. Through these techniques, the land use classes that better characterize the region had been selected, defining thus, the land use legend that allows the mapping of the city. With this mapping it is possible the identification of the most critical regions of the city and its orientation to more appropriated regions. This methodology, integrated with others already existing planning techniques, provides aid to improve the urban planning of the city. The experience of this project is the base of this dissertation, that emphasized the theoretical aspects of the digital image processing techniques applied in this experience and the urban and environmental problems of the region. Through the methodology developed and with the mapping of the city, it was possible a global perception of the diverse land uses distribution of the region (industry, commerce, residential) and the localization of the critical areas to the urban growth (protection areas and forests), showing that the satellite images are a good instrument in the aid of the urban planning.


processamento digital de imagens urban planning planejamento territorial urbano sensoriamento remoto digital image processing remote sensing

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