Uma historia de constituição de gênero discursivo em sala de aula : cartas




This study intends to analyze the constitution of a discursive gender " the letter " carried out in Portuguese classes. This study considers to main aspects: a) The recover of my personal pedagogical experience through some narratives written in a field diary. Through this recover, I tried to understand, as a researcher, the previous ideas that guided my actions in that time. By doing so, I could reflect on my pedagogical practice, always based on some specific literature about this subject. b) The conception of the letter, as a language practice, (re)formulated by the students according to what they had already known about writing letters brought by their personal experience. After that, I investigated the new meaning the students could find out in the moment they were invited to write letters in class. The construction of a new conception of the letter gender could be observed through the traces left by the students in the texts they have written


generos discursivos aprendizagem ensino

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