Uma experiencia de consultoria em educação de jovens e adultos no semi-arido do Piaui : os limites das ações do governo federal nas politicas publicas / Experience in consulting in youth and adult education in the semi-arid region of Piau : the limits of the strategic actions of the federal government in public politicy




In the first semester of 2007, the Ministry of Education (MEC) and the Secretariat of Continued Education, Literation and Diversity (SECAD), as an intermediary of the Organization of United Nations for the Education, Science and Culture (UNESCO), had launched a Proclamation of act to contract consultants to work in the technical and pedagogical accompaniment of the managers of cities with rates equal or superior 35% of illiteracy, as part of the implantation and supervision of the Literate Brazil Program. The present thesis has the objective to analyze the experience carried through in the state of the Piauí, in the period between June and December of 2007, in 50 cities of the region of the semi-arid northeastern, disclosing the form and content of the development of the Consulting and problematization it as an expression of outsourcing of the actions of the federal government in the public politics for Youth and Adult Education, with the consequent prejudice of the work relations. This work emphasizes the role of the State in the attendance of adult and young educational demands and the necessity to overcome the condition of historically marked subordination in its actions towards the demands of the EJA. The rules of the qualitative research had been pertinent for the chosen object, as well as the complexity of the elements involved in this experience demanded the support of different research instruments, such as the participant cobservation, journal of field and the documentary analysis. The research identifies the permanence of the condition of subordination of EJA in the politics of the government, in spite of the undertaken efforts; it points the limits of the Consulting as a practice of outsourcing in the implantation of the Literate Brazil Program and confirms that such program does not surpass the historical mistakes of discontinuity of the actions and its inefficiency as government politics. The pedagogical and technical accompaniment of the cities reveals that the process of decentralization of the politics in the scope of the states and cities cannot do without the debate of the federalism and the regimen of cooperation regarding the social and regional differences in Brazil


politicas publicas liberate brazil public program public policy consultoria outsourcing young and adult education educação de jovens e adultos terceirização consulting

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