Uma avaliação dos efeitos da correção monetária não reconhecida nas demonstrações contábeis no período de 31 de dezembro de 1995 A 31 de dezembro de 2003 / An analysis of unrecognized inflationary effects in the financial statements during the period from December 31,1995 until December 31,2003




This dissertation intended to verify the existence of balance sheet imbalance, more specifically in the assets and equity values once there is no recognition of the inflationary effects in the financial statements since 1996. It was also analyzed the tax burden and some financial rations that are obtained by using accounts which are affected by monetary correction methodology. The adopted criteria was the same one that invigorated until the 1995, defined by Law 6.404/76 and Decree 1.598/77. The sample contemplates 182 companies that presented financial statements for all periods from 1996 to 2003. The inflation index chosen to adjust the assets and equity values was the IGP-M, published monthly by Fundação Getúlio Vargas. The research results proved that non-recognized asset and equity values are relevant. The dimension of the imbalance of the corrected equity of the total of the companies of the sample represented in 31 of December of 2003 about 16.40% of the annual GDP. The effects are also relevant for other analyzed items, such as the annual results, the tax burden and financial ratios that makes uses of the balance sheet data in which the monetary correction methodology has been applied. Since the extinction of Law 9.249/95, companies adopted the practice to distribute interests on the owners equity as a part of or even the totality of obligatory dividend. This alternative was created by the same law, as a way to diminish a tax burden raise as a consequence of the extinction of monetary correction. These expenses can be deductible to achieve the EBIT, and this is the only purpose for their existence.The results show that balance sheet monetary correction methodology used until 1995 was an important preservation mechanism of company patrimony, since its extinction brought unquestionable losses, specially a quality reduction and information capacity of the financial statements


balanco (contabilidade) monetary correction extinção da sistemática de correção monetária das demonstrações contábeis accounting correção monetária de balanço contabilidade indexacao (economia) ciências sociais aplicadas monetary correction methodology extinction

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