Uma arquitetura para suporte a ubiquidade dos serviços de telecomunicações baseada na arquitetura TINA e em agentes moveis




Telecommunications have had a strong impact on the society in the last decades. Nowadays, this role is ever increasing and pushing the technological and economic evolution of our society. The evolution of telecommunications creates new services that exploit the convergence among data communication, computation and entertainment. These new services feature heterogeneity, distributed nature, dynamic and scalar design, etc. In this context, how to cater an environment of integrated communication services accessed from multiple locations and terminals? This question motivated the definition of a concept named Virtual Home Environment (VHE). VHE is a concept assigned to the portability and adaptability of services that allows users to access the same services from different networks and terminals. In the specification and development of this new generation of services, which incorporate VHE in some extent, object orientation, component reuse, open distributed systems and service architectures are words of order. Among these specifications we can emphasize the TINA (Telecommunication Information Network Architecture) architecture. Moreover, architectures based on mobile and intelligent agents may open new, efficient and flexible ways to distribute control and management for this new generation of telecommunication systems. With these principles in mind, this thesis characterize the requirements for supporting VHE through the support for mobility at the terminal, personal and service levels. The thesis aIs o proposes a model for service development that preserves the positive aspects of TINA and relies on de facto open standards (e.g., the Internet) and mobile agents for supporting service and personal mobility. In order to evaluate the proposed model with respect to personal and service mobility, a prototype of a multimedia service was implemented


agentes inteligentes (software) teleconferencia internet (redes de computação) sistemas de telecomunicação arquitetura de sistemas (computação) sistemas operacionais distribuidos (computadores)

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