Uma arquitetura de software baseada em padrões de projeto para o desenvolvimento de aplicações concorrentes confiaveis




Complex computer systems are prone to errors of many kinds, and the most reasonable way of dealing with them is to accept that any complex system has faults and to employ appropriate features for tolerating them during run time. We claim that the most beneficial way of achieving fault tolerance in complex systems is to use system structuring which has fault tolerance measures associated with it. ln this case, structuring units serve as natural areas of error containment and error recovery. However, these techniques are mainly developed for employment at the implementation phase of the system development. Hence, it is not often easy to apply them correctly, as the designers have to take into account many implementation details. ln this context, this work makes two main contributions. The first contribution is the practical employment of recent system structuring techniques in the definition of a generic software architecture for introducing atomicity, exception handling, and coordinated error recovery into dependable object-oriented systems at the earlier phases of system development. That is, from architectural design, through detailed design to coding. The second contribution is the definition of a set of design patterns which refine the architectural elements of the proposed software architecture and provide a clear and transparent separation of concerns between the application functionality, and the functionality related to providing system dependability


tolerancia a falha (computação) engenharia de software

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