Uma abordagem para implantaÃÃo de testes baseada em metodologias Ãgeis




In the last years, software industry has invested a substantial effort to improve its productâs quality. For this reason, many organizations are aiming to deploy or improve their testing process. To facilitate the software process improvement, many models have been developed in recent years, like IDEAL [McFeeley, 1996], ISO/IEC 15504 [ISO 15504,2005] and Pro2Pi [Salviano, 2006]. Also, there are specific reference models for defining requirements to testing processes, such as TMM [Burnstein, 2003], TIM [Ericson, 1996] e TPI [Koomen, 1999]. However, these models do not give guidelines for their deployment in a testing organization. Although such process improvement models, as well as software test reference models, have been emerged, many Brazilian software companies still have a lot of difficulties to implement an effective software testing process improvement program. This is due to the fact that these models are âgenericâ and require many adaptations to treat the common difficulties found in software testing improvement programs. In this scenario, the approach proposed in this work will guide the companies to deploy the testing process in a simple and agile way, in order to reach better quality for their products


modelo de maturidade em testes modelo de melhoria de processo software testing ciencia da computacao testes de software process improvement model testing maturity model

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