Um modelo de processo de apoio ao desenvolvimento de software baseado em componentes, orientado a qualidade, e centrado em um repositório. / A quality oriented repository-centred process model to support component-based software development.




Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE)involves the software development from prepared built-in parts processes, in order to achieve productivity, reducing costs and time-tomarket, assuring (and improving) the intrinsic quality of software products, as well as implementation, maintenance and systems integration flexibility. The life cycle of a software component designed for a given architecture to be reused and recycled, within a component infrastructure, and to satisfy quality attributes, will depend on an environment to allow its code to evolve in a controlled manner; its interfaces to be published through documents; and its artifacts to be always accessible from interested parties, like developers, software designers and architects, project managers, users etc. This suggests the organization of a process that supports the reuse of components through a common repository, justifying efforts to design, implement, test and install them in different solutions. This work intends to define and describe, through a meta-model language and elements, and through a component repository implementation proposal, a process model aligned to a subset of requirements established by the ISO/IEC 12207 and the ISO/IEC 9126 standards, with the purpose of development software processes support of components.


esbc processo repositório componente repository component process cbse qualidade quality

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