Um modelo de governança de tic para o processo de modernização das serventias extrajudiciais no Brasil




Brazils public delegate services offices are involved in a collective modernization process whose main objective is to simplify and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the services provision through the use of emerging management models and technologies in order to provide the services electronically. The modernization process relies heavily on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and therefore this work proposes an ICT governance model, based on the industry best practices frameworks ITIL and COBIT, produced to guide the development, deployment and the use of ICT by the modernization process. A study of the ICT management frameworks ITIL and COBIT was performed, along with the research of the modernization process documentation and academic resources. A survey with the ICT managers and CIOs involved in the modernization process was also carried out to determine the current level of ICT governance maturity and identify ICT management needs. The results of this work include the presentation of the data collected and the proposition of an ICT governance model developed and customized specifically to address the modernization process ICT governance needs. Moreover, an implementation approach was also developed to mitigate and guide the deployment of the proposed model


cobit ict governance serviços de informação cobit public services modernization administracao itil brazil brasil comunicação governança de tic itil tecnologia da informação modernização das serventias extrajudiciais

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