Um modelo computacional de apoio à tomada de decisão em processos de avaliação de pessoas por competências




The main theme of this work is the construction of a computacional model that represents the people for their professional and behavioral skills, sugesting a gage in order to enable academically trained professionals, students, companies and schools to have the same benchmark for measuring knowledge, skills and attitudes of a certain person (or groups of people). The study is based on the theory of "Management by Competencies", that is nowadays being much utilized and its use is increasing within the Human Resources area of the companies. The study aims not only the theoretical idealization but also the practical use of a prototype of a Web Portal with the basic features of register and search for information of interest, by people as well as by oportunities that are offered. The methodology utilized in the research, after theoretically researching the subject, will be to construct a computacional model for Competency, the implementation of a database that can gather the basic functions required by the Web Portal, the construction of the Web pages for the prototype functioning and functionality and performance tests. The expected results are in 3 areas: adequacy of model, Portal functionality and computacional performance.


sistemas de computacao avaliação competence-based management evaluation competência gestão por competências competency

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