Um horizonte da interpretação: o concertista no universo digital.




This study deals with aspects of the relationship between electroacoustic music and its interpreter, taking the transverse flute repertoire as a basis for analysis. The study presents three kinds of specific repertoire: (1) music in which the electroacoustic resources are supported by audio reproduction; (2) eletroacoustic music controlled by the interpreter through the use of some kind of interface; (3) electroacoustic music generated by the machine during performance. The theoretical support of the study, based on Adorno, offers an interpretation of the electroacoustic phenomenon considering three points: the intrinsic historicity of the pieces of music; its mimesis and its idiomatic aspect. The process of observation generated by the practice and performance of the pieces of music in connection with the theoretical support offered by Adorno lead to an important consideration: the need for the construction of an interpretation of electoacoustic music that seeks balance, as well as the fusion between the voice of the interpreter and the voice of the electroacoustic resources.


música eletrônica - execução música - interpretação (fraseado, dinâmica, etc) musica flauta - interpretação

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