Um estudo dos gêneros discursivos: o processo identitário de dois jornais impressos de Mato Grosso do Sul




The aim of this paper is to study the process of identity of two daily newspapers of Mato Grosso do Sul - Correio do Estado and O Progresso - from the analysis of the genres of discourse used during the coverage of the elections for Governor of the State in 2006, which involved the rivalry between two main candidates - André Puccinelli (PMDB) and Delcídio do Amaral Gomez (PT) - , intending to reflect on the media discourse and the event. In relation to the scientific debate, this kind of study intends to contribute to the clarification of some still hazy concepts, such as: textual support, types of texts and discourse community. The discussion of the key-concepts involves considering traditional disciplines, such as Communication, and an inter and transdisciplinary effort with the Linguistics and the French Discourse Analysis. To do this research, we considered the Archaeology and Genealogy of Michel Foucault which indicate that the analysis must exceed the bounds of the materialization of the discourse, searching, in the file, rules, practices, conditions of production and operation, relations of knowledge-power by means of a horizontal cut of mechanisms and of the horizontal reading of discursivities. In the applied field, the studies of text genres come across the need to know better how the social and discursive practices of the various social environments become concrete in text genres. This knowledge is important for the language teaching field as a way of taking the students to language practices that, in fact, are socially realized and it is specially a way of knowing and interfering effectively in the language practices of various social environments.


discourse analysis gêneros textuais análise do discurso social practices media discourse linguistica práticas sociais discurso jornalístico text genres

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