Um estudo dos determinantes da confiança interpessoal e seu impacto no crescimento econômico / An study on the determinants of interpersonal trust and its impact on economic growth




In the 1990s a large number of works came out investigating the effects of interpersonal trust on the economic growth of countries. Theoretically, trust affects economic growth by affecting all decisions that involve uncertainty on future actions of other agents, such as: investments, hire of employees, innovation, among others. This study uses the current literature methodology, tackling the trust importance for economic growth on a cross section of countries for three periods, using informations mainly from the Penn World Tables, World Values Survey and educational data from UNESCO. Applying the least trimmed squares technique it is evaluated the robustness of the trust variable when influential observations are excluded. It is found a remarkable estimated effect of trust on economic growth, even when outliers are removed. Also some studies are made in order to correct for possible endogeneity problems of the trust variable. Moreover, the work analyses the determinants of individual trust, using a probit model with the regressors: income, schooling, age, country, religion, among others. This analysis is also applied for the brazilian case. It is found that trust depends more on the society or group than on individual characteristics and, for the brazilian case, it was observed that, no matter which gender, schooling or income level the person belongs to, people do not trust each other.


economic growth crescimento econômico least trimmed squares interpersonal trust least trimmed squares confiança interpessoal

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