Um desmame peculiar conflitos da mulher em relação ao desmame




Attending, in Office, children and adolescents that have a psychogenetic and neurotic conduct disturbance, was possible to notice the huge incidence that a certain type of children that wean precisely have according to medical and psycoanalytical patterns, and it is precoce when it refers to the breast and late when related to the feeding bottle. Because of this characteristic, this way of wean was, in this master dissertation, called unique and it was driven to know the unconscious contents that are present in this motherly behavior. Through the study of Freuds Theory about narcissism and maternity was possible to give answer to part of the question the prolongation in offering the feeding bottle, and from this point, to discuss these ideas in the ambit of womens conflict related to breast feed and wean. The contribution of Melanie Klein, just like the archaic Edipo, unconscious fantasy, and the notion that the anguish is more related to the agressiveness than the libido, made possible the identification of the psyco process that emerges from the peculiar wean.


mães conflitos desmame psicologia

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