Ultrasonographic evaluation of Achilles tendon repair after percutaneous sectioning for the correction of congenital clubfoot residual equinus / Avaliação ultrassonográfica da reparação do tendão calcâneo após secção percutânea para a correção do equino residual do pé torto congênito idiopático




Most cases of congenital clubfoot treated by the Ponseti technique require percutaneous Achilles tenotomy in order to correct the residual equinus. Clinical evidences suggest that complete healing occurs between the cut tendon stumps, but there have not yet been any detailed studies investigating this reparative process. This study was performed to assess the Achilles tendon repair after percutaneous sectioning to correct the residual equinus of clubfoot treated by the Ponseti method. A prospective study analyzed 37 tenotomies in 26 patients with clubfoot treated by the Ponseti technique, with a minimum follow-up of one year after the section. The tenotomy was performed percutaneously with a large-bore needle bevel with patient sedation and local anesthesia. Ultrasonographic scanning was performed after section to ascertain that the tenotomy had been completed and to measure the stump separation. In the follow-up period, the reparative process was followed ultrasonographically at three weeks, six months and one year post-tenotomy. The ultrasonography performed immediately after the procedure showed that in some cases, residual strands between the tendon ends persisted, and these were completely sectioned under ultrasound control. A mean retraction of 5.65 mm ± 2.26 (range, 2.3 to 11.0 mm) between tendon stumps after section was observed. Unusual bleeding occurred in one case and was controlled by digital pressure, with no interference with the final treatment. After three weeks, ultrasonography showed tendon repair with the tendon gap filled with irregular hypoechoic tissue, and also with transmission of muscle motion to the heel. Six months after tenotomy, there was structural filling with a fibrillar aspect, mild or moderate hypoechogenicity, and tendon scar thickening when compared to a normal tendon. One year after tenotomy, ultrasound showed a fibrillar structure and the echogenicity at the repair site that was similar to a normal tendon, but with persistent mild tendon scarring thickness. It was observed that there was a fast reparative process after Achilles tendon percutaneous sectioning that reestablished continuity between stumps. The reparative tissue evolved to tendon tissue with a normal ultrasonographic appearance except for mild thickening, suggesting a predominantly intrinsic repair mechanism


pé torto ultrassonografia tendão do calcâneo (tendão calcâneo) ultrasonography clubfoot foot deformities deformidades do pé. achilles tendon

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