Transtorno de panico em dependentes de substancias psicoativas alcoolicas e não alcoolicas




Background: The aim of this research is to collect data about the prevalence of Panic Disorder (PD) in subjects with dependence on alcohol and non-alcohol substances. Methods: This is an intentional sample, composed at random regarding to the kind of drug dependence (drug addiction) origin, race, marital status, educational level and occupational status or profession. It was used ?Structured Questionnaire? and ?Structured Clinical Interview? for DSM ? IV ? Disorder of Axis I (SCID ? I / P) version 2.0. The data were collected among the patients who were recieving treatment at CRIAD (a Reference Center for information in alcoholism and drug addiction) in Campinas City / Brazil. Results: Number of subjects: 163, being 143 males (87,70%) and 20 females (12,30%). The majority of them 83,40% had completed or incompleted primary school level; 51,50% were caucasians; 26,40% were african-americans; 19,0% were mullatos and 3, 10% were Asians. The average ranges from 18 to 64 years old. The group without PD had shown an average age of 40,62 years old and a standard deviation (SD) of 10,19 years old. The group with PD had shown an average of 37,33 years old and 12,94 years old of standard deviation, and the group with Agoraphobic PD had shown 42,77 years old and 10,58 years old respectively. Twenty ? five subjects (15,33%) had shown PD. Of those, 12 had presented PD without agoraphobia and 13 had presented PD with agoraphobia. Twenty-two subjects (86,36%) were men and three subjects (13,64%) were women. The average onset time of panic attacks is about 5,14 years. The variables analysis, length of substance consumption and the PD had shown the following: the group without PD had presented an average of 20 years of consumption (standard deviation 10,17); the group with PD had presented an average of 16 years of consumption (SD of 8,32); and the PD group with agoraphobia had presented an average of 15 years (SD of 7,42). From the 13 subjects (8%), had presented panic attacks only during the period of the substance consumption, 8 (61,5%) were men and 5 (38,5%) were women. The alcohol was present in all the case reports and in only 4 cases it was used as a single drug consumption. In the other 9 remaining cases, the alcohol is associated to at least two other drugs such as: cocaine, crack, mushroom, glue (shoemaker?s glue), tint and ?parfum ? spray speed?. The average time of consumption is of 14,5 years. Conclusions: The likelihood of a substance dependent subject experiences a panic attack during the use of the drug is of 7,97%. It was verified that the medication dependent subject is 5 times more likely of developing PD when compared to the general population


panico alcoolismo drogas

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