Translocation of Iron from Soybean Cotyledons 1


Soybean seeds, Glycine max L. Merrill, were produced by plants treated from anthesis to seed maturity with 59Fe supplied as ferric ethylenediaminedi (o-hydroxyphenylacetate). Seed coats accounted for 7.4% of dry seed weight and had Fe concentrations 5 times greater than the embryos. After germinating 2 days, cotyledons contained 69.6% and radicles 5.0% of original seed Fe. Fractions of seed Fe unavailable to seedlings were: 19.8% in seed coats, 1.7% in germination paper, 0.1% in the water under germinating seeds, and 3.8% unaccounted for. Every 3 days seedlings received nutrient solution without Fe or with 10 μm ferric ethylenediaminedi (o-hydroxyphenylacetate) and developed as deficient Fe or normal Fe plants. The deficient Fe cotyledons on day 18 retained 13% of the labeled Fe originally present. Cotyledons of normal Fe plants retained 50 to 70% of their original Fe. Moreover, cotyledons of the normal Fe plants accumulated externally supplied Fe and finally contained twice the quantity of Fe originally present. Stem exudate collected above cotyledons of deficient Fe plants contained 5.3 μm59Fe. Electrophoresis of exudate showed that most of the 59Fe migrated anodically as a single band and was in the position of ferric citrate.

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