Trajetória interrompida: vida, morte e memória do adolescente em conflito com a lei




The present work represents a glance at the young people who commit criminal offense. The goals are: help the comprehension about teenagers living this situation; through case study based on life history; and recover the individual`s memory. The character of study chosen here was a boy; poet; that attended the FUNDAC (Fundação da Criança e do Adolescente) between 2003 and 2006 for a social educative measures; and that committed suicide at 21 years old; after his judicial liberation; when he was still accompanied by the egresses program in the institution. His first met the researcher when he was participating in a group at this institution. The research corpus is composed by the young boy`s poems (published or not); interviews with his mother and with the technicians that accompanied him at FUNDAC; and his letters sent to his mother during reclusion period. The theoretical discussion takes place mostly under the bases of Winnicott studies about privation and delinquency; approaches about the self in the post-modernity; mostly the dialogical self; and the Lévinas idea about Ethics and Otherness. The Ethics was considered as the guiding line of this work; although the author positioned itself as subject of study; as the textual production was raised from the reflexes and elaborations by the contact with the young boy and his life.


psicologia otherness subjectivity adolescent in conflict with law subjetividade alteridade ética adolescente em conflito com a lei ethics

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